Football Champ (2009) by Green Tim

Football Champ (2009) by Green Tim

Author:Green, Tim [Tim, Green,]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published: 2011-03-15T19:23:54.062000+00:00


“TELL US WHAT?” NATHAN said, pulling a bag of chips from the cupboard and digging in. “Sheesh, I’m the last to know everything.”

“You know how Troy can predict what the other teams’ offenses are going to do against the Falcons’ defense? Seeing the patterns and all that?” Seth said. “So I figure, why can’t we do that against Valdosta?”

“Who you gonna signal stuff in to?” Tate asked.

“Well, my mind-reading powers are on the fritz, so that’s out,” Nathan said, crunching on some chips.

“We don’t need signals,” Seth said. “Troy’s going to be out there.”

Nathan hooted at the idea, sending a spray of crumbs across the table.

“On defense?” Tate asked, brushing flecks of potato chips off her shirt. “He’s the quarterback. I thought you gotta protect the quarterback.”

“There’s no sense in protecting me. This is the state championship,” Troy said, “maybe the only one we’ll ever play in. It’s on TV. Everyone will be watching. Half of Atlanta will be there under the lights at Georgia Tech’s stadium. This is huge.”

“And honestly,” Seth said, wagging his head toward Nathan, “no offense to any of you guys, but if we can’t do better on defense than we did against Dunwoody, we aren’t going to be champs. We’ll be chumps.”

Troy explained how Seth had given him a crash course on playing defensive back, and then together they all listened as Seth leafed through his notebook, explaining his plan against Valdosta’s offense. After a time, Troy’s mom came in and swapped her paint things for the pots and pans she needed to whip up a meal of chicken rigatoni that they could all eat before heading off to practice.

After an early dinner, Seth drove Nathan and Tate to their homes so they could quickly change into practice gear. As they drove toward the school, the setting sun blinded them, the shadows grew long, and an autumn chill crept into the air.

When they pulled into the parking lot beside the practice field and Troy saw the silver car, he quickly rolled down the window, thinking he might be sick.

Seth cranked the wheel around, backed into a spot, and asked, “What the heck are they doing here?”

“Who?” Nathan said, spinning around in his seat and craning his neck.

“Them,” Tate said, pointing before she let out a groan.


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